Fattening others

Dream size for your love

When it comes to your dream crush or girlfriend/boyfriend, how huge would make them and why? For me, it would be pretty big. Probably over 500 Ibs, which is my dream size for myself. I don't have a limit on her or me, but I want to be as big as they are or will be at that time and only get bigger from there.
4 years

Dream size for your love

I would love to help my boyfriend gain to around 375 lbs (and even more probably but it’s hard to imagine right now). He’s 310-ish now, but isn’t a feedee/gainer and is trying to lose some weight so he won’t be as at risk for health problems down the line, so helping him gain long term isn’t going to happen. But if it’s a fantasy and health isn’t an issue, I’d love to watch him continue growing.
4 years

Dream size for your love

At least, I would like to bring my girlfriend two times heavier than me(there's nothing bad in having high dreams, right? What things could go wrong except health issues or stuff?) since she's skinny as a stick, and there won't be much major challanges after that. 500 pounds would be great.

500 sounds like a fantastic goal.
4 years

Dream size for your love

pear shaped girl 5'3" 350 lbs

4 years

Dream size for your love

I’m pretty boring really. I love the fantasy of getting a girl huge but really I like a girl about 5’2-5’4 starts at about 150 lbs. pear shaped when we start dating and she fluctuates between 200 - 250 for the rest of her life
4 years

Dream size for your love

I’m pretty boring really. I love the fantasy of getting a girl huge but really I like a girl about 5’2-5’4 starts at about 150 lbs. pear shaped when we start dating and she fluctuates between 200 - 250 for the rest of her life

That's nice.
4 years

Dream size for your love

I’m pretty boring really. I love the fantasy of getting a girl huge but really I like a girl about 5’2-5’4 starts at about 150 lbs. pear shaped when we start dating and she fluctuates between 200 - 250 for the rest of her life

I believe I am not pear shaped but I started with just under 150lbs and now I am already close to 200lbs
4 years

Dream size for your love

The size of dreams for my partner would be quite large I want a partner with 350 - 450 lbs who also has a dream of making me bigger
4 years

Dream size for your love

I’m pretty boring really. I love the fantasy of getting a girl huge but really I like a girl about 5’2-5’4 starts at about 150 lbs. pear shaped when we start dating and she fluctuates between 200 - 250 for the rest of her life

I believe I am not pear shaped but I started with just under 150lbs and now I am already close to 200lbs

Juliihs2 I feel ya...was 165lb (but previously maintained 100lb-ish) - we're both pushing 200lb! I've been following your stuff and you're doing awesome - we're both such hot fatties :-P
4 years

Dream size for your love

The size of dreams for my partner would be quite large I want a partner with 350 - 450 lbs who also has a dream of making me bigger

I’m 175 can we be each other’s feeders and get big as hell and love eac other lol
4 years
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